
MERRY PROJECTがこれまでに取材した被災地

1) Let's deliver smiles to the affected zones.
Let's deliver the smiles that MERRY PROJECT have taken in catastrophe zones
(such as Indonesia, Sumatra, China, Shikawa and Kobe),
posting them in Twitter, mixi and Facebook.
The smiles of the children of Sumatra, Shikawa, Kobe and the others,
are smiles of hope towards the future.
By delivering these smiles, we wish to give hope in the
reconstruction of the affected zones. Please use the pictures below.
(↓ By clicking in the pictures you can download them)






届けるためにRTをお願いします。 #merry

Children who smiles here are those affected by the disaster in Sumatra,
Shisen, and Kobe. By looking at the smiles of children in this photos,
hopefully it will bring back hope for people in the disaster area.
Plese RT to send this message to them. #merry

日本東北大地震受災地的朋友們!謝謝! #merry

이 웃는얼굴의 아이들은 수마트라・시센・코베에서 재해를 입었던 아이들입니다.
이 아이들의 웃는 얼굴의 사진을 보고, 재해지에 있는 분들에게 조금이나마
부흥으로의 희망을 전하기 위하여 RT를 부탁드립니다. #merry

Anak-anak yang tersenyum ini adalah mereka yang dilanda bencana di Sumatra,
Shisen, dan Kobe. Dengan melihat senyum anak-anak di foto ini, walaupun sedikit,
semoga dapat memulihkan harapan bagi mereka yang berada di tempat yang
tertimpa bencana. Tolong RT untuk menyampaikan pesan ini! #merry

Éstas son las sonrisas de niños que se vieron afectados por catástrofes
naturales en Sumatra, Shikawa y Kobe.Por favor mira estas fotos y retweetéalas,
con la esperanza de que al menos un poco de esperanza pueda llegar a aquellos
que se encuentran en las zonas dañanas. #merry

→mixi コミュニティはこちら
→facebook ファンページ はこちら
→twitter (@merry_project)をフォローしてください